My Inspirational Words of Wisdom
Whenever I think of something insightful that enriches my life or offers deeper understanding, I write it down. So, here are my inspirational and thought-provoking quotes about life, as well as humorous insights that reveal life's hidden meaning.
Rhyme and Reason in Poetry
I prefer writing poetry that rhymes, and I focus on the emotional aspects of life with mindful insight. Hence, this dual emphasis on rhyme and reason.
Where Was God Before the Creation of Heaven and Earth? In this article, I discuss theological and physical concepts to determine the origin of God and how He created the Universe. I examine the theory of relativity and how God might have used it to His advantage. I also discuss whether gravity caused creation or if God created gravity to let everything fall into place.
Born Rich and Die Poor: Time Is Our Most Valuable Resource When you are born, you begin with a specific amount of time to value your life. Time is your most valuable resource, and it diminishes throughout your life until you have none left. Learn about your attitude of taking that time for granted.
Understanding a Critical Solution to the Abortion Issue Proper education to help make an informed decision is what's missing, and it provides a respectful solution to the challenges women face with their abortion rights.