Glenn Stok

Time Is Our Most Valuable Personal Resource We Realize Too Late

Our precious time eventually runs out!.
Our precious time eventually vanishes!
Image by Gerd Altmann. Pixabay License.

A Regret We Often Realize Too Late

When you are born, you begin with a specific amount of time to value your life. Time is your most valuable resource, and it diminishes throughout your life until you have none left. Learn about your attitude of taking your time for granted.

We Are Born Rich and Die Poor

When we are born, we begin our journey through life with the potential for a long and prosperous future. At least, that is hopeful for most of us. Of course, there are extraneous circumstances where some of us end up in unfortunate situations that end our lives early, such as war, disease, or crime.

However, I will address those fortunate enough to have a long, enjoyable, healthy life built on ingenuity and intelligence.

What this boils down to is the ability to conduct time management.

Early in life, we don't give much thought to time other than staring at the clock in elementary school, waiting impatiently for the bell to ring so we can go home and play.

When young, we have all the time in the world to do what pleases us without concern for its value.

But time has value! And we are born rich, with a tremendous stash tucked away for use throughout our lifespan. So much so that we never give it a second thought when we waste it—spending it on useless activities. It's a regret we often realize too late.

As we grow older, it gradually becomes evident that we have less of this precious resource remaining in our so-called wallets than we started with when we were born.

In addition, the pressure builds on itself so strongly that we imagine time going faster and faster as we approach our final years. That speed-up of the passage of time is not factual but merely an impression resulting from our time running out.

So, what can we do to build our wealth of time? Well, nothing. We are given an unknown amount of it when we are born—hopefully, enough to be rich with time. What we do with that resource is what counts!

As time runs out, we have nothing left. We are left poor. Hence, we die poor, without a minute left. Time, once lost, can never be regained. Therefore, we need to manage our time more urgently.

Managing Our Time, It's All We've Got!

We can't add more time to what we have. However, we can learn to manage it to maintain our "time wealth" well into our final years. Learning to manage time is the key to feeling empowered and in control of our lives.

Many of us tend to ignore how we do that. But once we pay attention to how we waste time, we can begin to get more value out of what's remaining, especially when half of it is already lost to father time.

How We Waste Time

Example 1: Have you ever stood in line to take advantage of special sales when a new store opens? When you consider the value of that time you spent in line, you'll realize you never received a discount on the item you bought. Instead, you paid dearly for it with time that you will never get back!

Example 2: Do you drive an hour to get to work every day? Have you ever added that up to realize how many years you spend driving?

You don't get paid for that time and won't get reimbursed for it either. That time is lost for good. Imagine what you could have accomplished in the additional years of your life if you arranged to live near your workplace.

How to Manage Time to Avoid Wasting It

I'll tell you a story about a fellow named Alex, who learned to appreciate the time value he had been born with.

Alex was always in a rush, trying to cram as much as possible into his days. He felt like time was slipping by faster and faster, and he was constantly stressed over it.

One day, Alex met an old, wise man named Bob, who appeared to be in no rush at all. Intrigued, Alex asked Bob how he had managed to remain so peaceful.

Bob immediately brought up the concept of the value of time. He explained that time was a precious commodity, and managing it wisely to live a fulfilling life was essential.

He shared some methods to avoid wasting time and improve life with more fulfilling experiences.

Bob's first piece of advice was to prioritize and set clear goals. He emphasized the importance of identifying what truly mattered and focusing on those things.

By setting clear goals, Alex realized he could avoid getting sidetracked by unimportant tasks and ensure he was making the most of his time.

More importantly, Bob spoke about the power of saying no. He encouraged Alex to learn to decline tasks and activities that didn't align with his priorities.

By being selective about how he spent his time, Alex could free himself up for better opportunities that enriched his life.

Bob also talked about being present in the moment. He encouraged Alex to practice mindfulness and fully immerse himself in whatever he was doing, whether it was work, leisure, or time with loved ones.

By being fully present, Alex could derive more satisfaction from his experiences and make the most of every moment.

As Alex thought about Bob's suggestions, he realized he had been squandering his time by rushing through life and neglecting the things that mattered to him. So, he decided to make some changes in his life.

He started by setting specific goals for his career, personal life, and hobbies, and found that having a clear direction brought him a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

He also became more mindful of how he spent his time, saying no to obligations that didn't serve his priorities.

In addition, Alex made a conscious effort to be present in the moment. That helped him find joy in the little things in life. He discovered he could lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life by slowing down and appreciating what's happening in the present.

Alex felt happier, more content, and less rushed as time passed. He found more value in each moment, making time seem to pass slower. That made him feel he had more time to appreciate life rather than having it pass by so quickly.

He had learned valuable lessons from Bob and was grateful for the wisdom that had transformed his interpretation of time.

From then on, Alex sincerely appreciated the value of the time he was born with, making the most of every moment and cherishing the fulfilling experiences that enriched his remaining days.

Published July 11, 2024.