Glenn Stok

Humorous Poems With an Educational Twist

Experience a blend of humor and wisdom in these amusing poems with an educational twist, where I write science-related anecdotes with a flair for satire.

Time Glitches in the Spacetime Continuum Causing Déjà Vu

Is Déjà Vu a result of instability with the spacetime continuum?
Is Déjà Vu a result of instability with the spacetime continuum?
Image by Stefan Keller. Pixabay License.
We would never know it if there was a problem with the fabric of the spacetime continuum because we would merely experience every moment for what it’s worth. This poem is an analysis of the issue.

Imagine if segments of time repeat due to some instability.
And the spacetime continuum lacks reliability.

What if time has episodes of repeating?
The experience can sometimes be appealing.

Is that when we experience déjà vu?
The feeling can sometimes be true.

But if time is not misaligned,
Then it could be all in our mind.

The flow of time is continuously advancing.
And the future appears, notwithstanding.

But what if a moment of time replicates?
And the feeling of déjà vu originates.

That can create havoc when least expected.
And we should never let that be neglected.

Something could go terribly wrong
And time precludes us and lasts extra long.

Nevertheless, we would never know there was a problem.
Our thoughts and attitude would still tolerate it and blossom.

Our life is still turning out remarkably as we had planned.
And daily affairs are arranged as we’ve known beforehand.

So if for one moment you think you already were there
Consider it a blessing and know you really don’t care.

Do Woodchucks Chuck Wood or What?

Woodchuck seen while hiking.
Photo taken with my iPhone. Woodchuck seen while hiking.
This is an amusing satirical but informative essay through poetry. It turned out to be an educational piece besides all the satire I created.

Does a woodchuck chuck wood?
I wonder if it really could.

That capability leaves me awestruck.
But if not, why is it called a woodchuck?

If a woodchuck could chuck wood, what is its success rate?
The answer to that silly question is up for debate.

It might depend on the density of the wood.
And some analysis is required to be fully understood.

Extra dense wood is heavy and requires more effort.
Woodchucks that can do that indeed deserve the credit.

So, what do woodchucks do all through the day?
Their activities are not always obvious or on display.

They chew the wood — I learned from fact-finding.
Their teeth are made for gnawing and grinding.

However, they don’t chew wood for their diet.
There’s another reason for them to apply it.

I know the answer, and it isn’t wrong.
Gnawing on wood keeps their teeth from growing long.

They are herbivores that eat a variety of vegetables.
That makes more sense and is much more digestible.

So, why are they called woodchucks?
The answer must be worth a few bucks.

The Algonquin tribe of Native Americans called them “wuchak.”
But it was much easier for English settlers to say “woodchuck.”

They are groundhogs that build burrows chucking dirt.
And that’s the only thing they chuck, trying not to over-exert.


The Earth Spins 1,000 Miles Per Hour! Oh My!

Returning from an overseas trip.
Returning from an overseas trip.
Image by Phan Huy Hoang. Pixabay License.
This is an amusing story written in poetic narrative with a pedagogical approach. Learn something new while enjoying the rhyming story.

I picked up a friend at the airport, returning from overseas.
She was tired from jet lag and needed my sympathies.

So, I took her home and let her rest.
I thought for sure that would be the best.

But her mind was active with many thoughts.
She imagined circling the world with astronauts.

I offered an educated opinion, as I began to brag,
And told her, “That’s why you have jet lag.”

That initiated a conversation about our planet Earth.v I mentioned we have twenty-four time zones, for all it’s worth.

She didn’t know that and asked how I knew.
So, I gave her a mathematical overview.

I explained it was simple, since we have twenty-four hours in a day.
I thought that would make sense for her, anyway.

But then I added, “We are spinning 1,000 miles per hour at best.”
She couldn’t grasp that and thought it sounded way too fast.

So, the professor in me began to emerge.
I mentioned the Earth’s circumference mileage.

“You see,” I said, “the Earth is roughly 24,000 miles around.”
She looked perplexed, and I heard not a sound.

She quietly listened as I continued to explain.
I needed to get to the point before it became mundane.

“And we have twenty-four hours in a day.”
I knew her attention span was about to sway.

“So, divide 24,000 miles by twenty-four hours, and what do you get?
That one was easy — and she answered without a sweat.

She responded without looking it up with her browser.
“That gives us 1,000 miles per hour!”

“That’s the rotational speed of the Earth,” I rationalized.
“But that’s really only generalized.”

I clarified it by saying it was only at the equator.
I knew I was coming across as an educator.

So, I decided she had had enough.
The edification was getting tough.

I let her get to sleep so she could rest.
With jet lag, I knew that would be the best.

The next day she had no lasting effect from our conversation.
She showed no distress or concern, per my observation.

Humpty Dumpty’s Seasonal Despair

Humpty Dumpty on his wall
Humpty Dumpty
Image by azwer (modified). Pixabay License.
This is a story of how Humpty Dumpty felt about each season, told in poetic rhyme.

Throughout the winter, spring, summer, and fall
Humpty Dumpty would be found sitting on his wall.

Life sure has its hardships for an egg throughout the seasons.
Nevertheless, Humpty endures it — for he has his reasons.

Humpty felt doom and gloom most of the time.
His choice to live that way was his paradigm.

In the winter he feared he’d fall off the wall, slippery with ice.
Especially when it’s too cold to hold on with all his might.

In the spring he was afraid if he fell, no one would care.
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men, away on Spring Break, were not there.

Summertime was worse with the heat of each day,
Humpty would become hard-boiled on his wall if he’d stay.

Life might be brutal for an egg, but one thing’s for sure,
That final season was never obscure.

Of all the seasons sitting on his wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

The Truth Behind Terrifying Demons on Halloween Night

Halloween Goblins
The Demons of Halloween Night
Image created with Bing DALL-E
The significance of the horrors shall be told as the October weather turns cold with an eerie chill and the demons and goblins have their sinister thrill.

In the world of fiction and folklore’s tale,
Evil spirits and devils indeed prevail.

Terrifying demons and monsters that crawl,
Unleash their horror in a Halloween brawl.

In the darkness throughout the town,
Creepy creatures appear all around.

With eyes that glow in the dark of the night,
They haunt the world with all their might.

The witches announce spells as their casseroles brew,
Summoning the horrors that will soon debut.

As the October weather turns cold with an eerie chill,
The demons and goblins have their sinister thrill.

These demons of Halloween dance and prance,
Putting you and others into an involuntary trance.

Their terrifying ways are stories to be told,
Throughout the haunted night, it’s a sight to behold.

In the darkness, where they roam free,
Halloween’s wicked spirits are there for all to see.

These incredibly shocking demons will indeed terrify,
Even though their horror is only in your mind’s eye.

Undoubtedly terrifying and their presence feared,
Their costumes are cunning and well-engineered.

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